Friday, March 11, 2011

eReader Week.

Last week I went to visit my girlfriend at school for a week. We got very lucky and not so in others that our school reading weeks fell after each other this year. She was able to spend a week at home while I was in school, and I was able to spend a week with her after she returned. We got to spend to two wonderful weeks together, but due to school we really only had the evenings.

I took this week long trip as a chance to really start using my ereader that I was given as a gift on my last birthday. Like many people I read a great deal for enjoyment and so a have a back log of books I am hoping to read. I am getting through it, but I still have a few paper books to go before I really start wanting/ needing to get more. I plan to start doing my buying in the form of ebooks. I am just not there yet.

My ebook week was most enjoyable. It went so well chances are the trend will continue that I take it when I travel rather then paper books. Some of that maybe do to the extras I have got for it now. I now have a very nice cover and a light that works very well. I had been having a issue with lighting. I find with the ereader I need better lighting then I would if I was reading a paper book. Also just this past week a got a gel skin for it. The gel skin does not do all that much. Mostly protects the body from scratches while I am reading, but the heavier cover does most of the protecting when it is sitting around or in my bag. The gel skin also makes it stand out. The body of the ereader is black. The red cover that is now on it means I will be less likely to lose it or getting mixed up with someone else's.   

The ereader really is great for travel. It takes up very little space and weight when compared to the 3 or 4 novels I would have taken. Also, I discovered it takes up less space to read. I had a six hour train ride when I came home. Most of the time I simply held the ereader in my right hand as a read. When when I did hold it in both hands at no point did I feel cramped or that I was elbowing the person in the seat beside me. Also after hours of reading at no point did I feel my wrists or arms were getting tired.

All my thoughts seemed to be agreed with about half way through the train ride. Another man got on and sat in the row of seats in front of me. He pulled out his ereader as well and when he did the woman sitting beside him asked him what he thought of it.  He told her that it was good for trips. The book he was reading in it was over 1000 pages and he would not be read such a large book while traveling if he had to lug it around. He also told her that he still loves paper books (has over 5 full book cases at home), but for travel it is nice.

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