Friday, February 4, 2011

Long Distance Valentine

Some people may think that it is still early to be thinking about Valentine's Day. Some people would even say that Valentine's Day is just a holiday made up by the card companies to sell more product and should not even be thought about at all. Both these statements may be true, but for someone like me who is in a long distance relationship Valentine's Day is very important. I fully agree that people should show their love for each other everyday, and I try to do that. Sadly it is not always easy. When you do not see the person you love everyday sometimes the little things get lost in the blender that is modern life. When you see someone everyday it is easy to show how you feel. "Here honey I will do the dishes." "No I am not really watching this lets watch that show you like." " I got off early lets go out to dinner and a movie." All these things are small daily little things that we often can do without really giving much thought to are important to building a strong loving relationship.

When you are living in different places it is not so easy. Things like, "I will call you when I get home." get missed because of traffic. To you it may have just been a phone call, but to the person you care about it is a symbol of how much you love them. If you are late, or even worse forget. It is a huge blow to them. Making a long distance relationship not only work, but work well means remembering about the little stuff and the big stuff. So is it really so bad to a have a day that reminds us of that. To have a day on the calendar that says, "You should get her a card and remind her how much you care and miss her."

So for anyone out there who thinks that Valentine's Day is just made up and silly, I will admit maybe you are right. But in my eyes any day that reminds me that I have a woman in my life that loves me and that I should celebrate her a bit. Well that is a day that is alright by me.

Taken from the Starcraft 2 Website.
A game that my wonderful girlfriend and I as a team online.

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