I my duties at church as sub-deacon I train a lead the alter servers. As part of that I have trained some of the younger ones to be cross bearers or Crucifer. Do to the young age of these new servers we began using the lighter of the two processional crosses at the church. The wooden one pictured below.
It was when we started using it more that I realized that it was really showing its' age. As you can clearly see above the dowel that attached the cross to the handle has broken out, and pieces of the border have broken off. I used stain pens to cover up the large colour difference, but that is far from a real fix.
Because of all of these facts and problems, I have got the permission of the leaders of the church to make a replacement cross. I am very excited about this. It is something I have thought about doing for some time.
Because of all of these facts and problems, I have got the permission of the leaders of the church to make a replacement cross. I am very excited about this. It is something I have thought about doing for some time.